Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Being there...

Liz Weiss and I at the fabulous health resort Rancho La Puerta:
Pilgrim Hike 7am

You can pretend to care; but you can't pretend to be there.

I've been thinking about that advice which was originally intended I believe to apply to good parenting or being a good friend.

Now I think of that powerful saying when I try to procrastinate taking my daily walk or heading to pilates class. You can pretend to care about being fit, but you can't pretend to be there....walking or working out, etc.

The same goes for making healthy choices when eating, drinking or snacking. You can pretend to eat healthy, cut calories, limit portions....but you can't pretend to be there....actually following through and tossing a big salad, eating an apple instead of a candy bar, drinking the non fat milk, skipping the pie at midnight. You can pretend to care, but you can't pretend to be there.

Be there.........willpower, willfulness, mindfulness....whatever you call it. It's a positive and tangible action that proves you really do want to be healthy and stay slim.

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